WEDNESDAY,19/7/2017 I was learn about academic intergrity and performance at UED class by lecturer Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz.He told we to always think positive.He also told before you look another country look at your country first.I also learn about plagiarism.What is plagiarism. PLAGIARISM : The act of taking another person's writing,conversation,song,or even idea and passing it off as your own. THE COMMON TYPES OF PLAGIARISM DIRECT PLAGIARISM The word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else's word,without attribution and without quotation marks 2. SELF PLAGIARISM Occurs when a student submit his or her own previous work ,or mixes parts of previous works without permission from all professors involed 3. MOSAIC PLAGIARISM Borrows phrases from a source without using question marks. 4. ACCIDENTAL PLAGIARISM When person neglects to cite the...
WEDNESDAY,26/7/2017 I had learn about library and campus resources by Mohd Anwar.He is the librarian.He told many about library such as how to borrow a book from library,about a fee and punishment if we do mistake in library.He also told about his experience while he study and some tips for study.Okay,others about library. Web Opac Online public access cetatoque 2. Onlines Databases Research /Assigment Resources 3. Literacy class Information skills class 4. Types of collection E-book,SPP and Magazines 5. Rules &Regulation Book Fine,Lost Book Activity 1 ...
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